The diligent practice of yoga leads to better physical and mental health; it is a discipline but above all an art of living.

Asanas make the muscles and joints more flexible, allow better irrigation of the organs, the brain and the nervous system, greater relaxation, better balance and better circulation of energy.

Pranayama brings greater oxygenation, helps to evacuate more toxic gases, stores a greater amount of energy and is greatly beneficial to the lungs, heart and blood circulation.

The cleanings (shatkarmas) of yoga, aim to eliminate as much as possible toxic substances and pathological mucus from the body and to stimulate certain internal organs.

But, if we want to go to the end of our understanding, these practices would be corrupted if our hygiene of life was also failing and, for example, if we continued to smoke * (for those who do) which would be totally incompatible with pranayama and asanas, if one drank alcohol or used drugs, and if one continued to consume food that was totally adulterated and poisoned by pesticides. (if you practice shirshasana and irrigate your brain with nicotine, alcohol and pesticides, it is better to abstain, instead of regenerating you are destroying yourself at high speed).

We should therefore favor a "healthy diet", balanced and organically grown and as much as possible, take care of ourselves as much as possible by natural methods, medicinal plants, essential oils, homeopathy, correct food supplements, etc.
(Of course, with regard to health, regular medical monitoring makes it possible not to go through any pathology).

Obviously, you will tell me, all this has a significant cost; It is a choice to make ! Health is priceless ; when we have lost it, the trials and sufferings begin and our world is so polluted and disordered that the disease becomes, alas, more and more frequent.

* See the “Toolbox” section: testimonial “how I quit smoking in 1 month, without a patch, without follow-up and without suffering”


Yoga practice and brain health

Fantastic master-original work
Study published in the magazine "Brain Plasticity"
To get rid of a harmful habit: replace it with a beneficial habit

"Smoking at the time more than 2 packs a day, I had started to practice asanas and wanted to take up pranayama.
But, of course, I clearly realized that my tobacco addiction was incompatible with this discipline that I wanted to explore. I therefore decided to begin the practice of pranayama, complete breathing, nadi sodhana and ujjayi. At the same time, I also decided to quit smoking after a month (half as many cigarettes in one week, half as many again the following week, etc., to reach zero after four weeks).
Pranayama developing in parallel, I began to benefit from slightly euphoric effects as well as an increase in energy, which allowed me without suffering to put an end to this harmful habit, the positive effects of the breaths compensating for the so-called calming effects. cigarettes. A new beneficial habit had replaced the old one! "


In case of insomnia

If you have trouble falling asleep (or going back to sleep after waking up in the middle of the night), with images running through your mind, one of the effective methods is, for example, to take a book, sit in Padmasana (lotus) for ten to 15 minutes, then turn off the light and go back to bed.

In principle, sleep returns quickly.

Indeed, as soon as the legs are uncrossed, an influx of blood irrigates them and at the same time clears the brain, bringing calm allowing you to fall back asleep.




Pranayama, practiced according to the rules (this is very important), without excess, and assiduously, has a very beneficial action on health; it brings an important quantity of energy, cleans the lungs, and thanks to the rhythmic breathing, refines the breathing, regulates the heartbeat, calms the nerves and clears the mind.


Ayurvedic medicine can bring a better being and solve certain problems; yoga is an integral part of this millennial medicine.

A serious and invested brand offers quality products.




A healthy diet is necessary to maintain good health. Organic (or biodynamic) agriculture makes it possible to have much healthier food than those resulting from denatured agriculture which pollutes the soil with numerous chemical poisons (pesticides, fungicides, GMOs, etc.), which are found also in the air we breathe, in tap water if we drink it (with the added bonus of many chemical drugs) and finally in our blood.

A good address where to find organic and/or vegetarian or vegan products with very competent managers who have been very invested in organic for many years; you will be well received.
to recommend (French Orleans region).

105 Rue d'Artois, 45160 Olivet - France
02 38 64 09 02





Yoga cures - Tara Stiles
"Practising yoga regularly is one of the best things you can do for yourself - your children and grandchildren - throughout your life."
Tara Stiles 




Yoga the path to holistic health-B.K.S Iyengar




Yoga the path to holistic health-B.K.S Iyengar



Very complete book by Dr. Aldo Saponaro, including the history of the origins of yoga, giving an overview of the different systems of yoga, proposing the study of asanas and pranayama as well as the contribution of yoga in the treatment of different diseases.

health and youth with yoga-Dr Aldo Saponaro





The yoga of herbs-Dr Davis Frawley,Dr Vasant Lad

A botanical reference manual. 270 plants described according to the ancient Ayurvedic system.


The yoga of herbs-Dr David Frawley-Dr Vasant Lad
to follow...

